Sunday, October 9, 2011

Where have I been?

For all those still checking this space - first of all thank you!
And to answer your question on why and where I have disappeared - well I had a baby :)
Initially the cravings that come with the pregnancy ensured that I stayed away from all food blogs - you know whenever I would visit your blogs and see all those yummy brownies and pies, I would have an instant craving for it. So I decided to stay away in order to curb my cravings and stick to a healthy eating plan.
And now, the cutie pie keeps me busy :) I am very regular now on all your wonderful blogs and sites, and am cooking as well - its just that the effort it usually takes producing nice pictures and presentable food for the blog has been lacking.
So theres my reason. Feel free to mail me if you have any questions and just to say hello :)
Take care.